Delivered for Powering Your Transactions Invoicing Application to grow your business on the GoGet reports, set goals and grow your business
Customize your professional invoice
- Each invoice means a little share of income for your company. Birdme makes it simple to customize your invoice by adding your logo and other features.
Categorize your product list
Add and categorize your products to easily manage your eCommerce. This helps you and your customers to faster navigate through the store and find the products you need.
Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay up to date with new clients, follow up with them, send reminders and make it easier for them to order again.
Accurate reporting and up to date
Your insights will help you make better decisions and forecast your cash flow so you know where your business stands. Generate and send retainer summary reports at any point during a retainer period to keep your clients happy and informed.
Rapidly share your professional customized invoices via WhatsApp, Email and SMS.
Bank level of security and privacy
- birdme is SSL certified ensuring privacy, authentication, and data integrity.

birdme Mobile App
- Customize your invoices from your mobile
- Create contact list. Following up with your clients made easy
- Create your categorized product list
- Customized reports for empowering your business
Multiple gateways via SMS, Email, and even WhatsApp.
“Get paid on the spot”, Using QR Code feature
- Manage your business on the Go!